What is Pranic Healing?
Pranic Healing or MCKS Pranic Healing is a simple to learn, yet a powerful and effective no-touch no-drug energy healing modality. Pranic Healing utilizes prana to accelerate the natural healing processes of the physical body. Prana is an invisible vital energy or life force that keeps the body alive and healthy. This vital energy or life force is what the Chinese refer to as Chi and the Japanese refer to as Ki.
MCKS Pranic Healing is based on the fundamental principle that the body is a “self-repairing” living entity that possesses the innate ability to heal itself. Pranic Healing as a science, was born in 1987 after years of research and validation by Master Choa Kok Sui.
Energy Healing is not a new concept. Many sages, saints, and healers have been practicing the art of healing from long ago. Though not all the modalities are recorded, still, you can see hundreds of them if you search the web. It has also been invariably called Shamanic Healing, Amazonian Healing of Brazil, Rosicrucian Healing, Chinese Medical Chi Kung, Reiki, Yogic Healing, Magnetic Healing, Faith Healing, Ki Healing, Vitalic Healing, and the laying on of hands. What makes Pranic Healing unique among the rest, is its modern, fresh, and scientific view towards energy, healing, and general well-being.
In ancient times, Pranic Healing could only be practiced by an elite few. According to Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, his job was to develop a very effective healing system, which ordinary people could learn in just a short period. MCKS Pranic Healing was therefore developed as a comprehensive system of energy medicine which can be used to improve the quality of our everyday lives. Anybody can practice Pranic Healing now. The knowledge of being able to deal with life’s challenges is quite empowering.
Learning Pranic Healing is like learning to read, or add, at first it seems foreign, then it is second nature, and you wonder how you could ever get along without it; After some time, one begins to realize what a precious gift Pranic Healing is. Like a fine wine, or a friendship it unfolds revealing ever subtler expressions of its unique genius.
Pranic Healing is one of those things that you do not consciously know that you are missing. It can take you as far as you want to go, in so many ways. It can show you how to take the pain out of a skinned knee or a burn. Pranic Healing can teach you to accelerate the healing of a broken bone, or help you to find peace, forgiveness and give you the tools that you need to live a fruitful, loving and productive life. Its Founder has thought of a remedy for whatever ails you, on whatever level.

So what is Pranic Healing
It is a Simple yet extremely powerful recipe driven, no touch system of healing. It requires neither any gadgets nor any drugs. The foundational techniques can be learned by anyone able to follow simple instructions, in just one weekend course. The Founder of Modern Pranic Healing is Chinese Energy Master, Master Choa Kok Sui is known for his exceptional ability to distill complex topics down to their essence, making them easy to understand and practical to apply.
How Pranic Healing Works
Pranic Healing is based on the overall structure of the human body. The physical body is actually composed of two parts: the visible physical body, and an unseen or invisible energy body (sometimes also called the bioplasmic body or the aura). The visible physical body is that part of the human body that we see, touch, and are most acquainted with. The bioplasmic body is that invisible luminous energy body which interpenetrates the visible physical body and extends beyond it by four or five inches. Pranic Healing is based on the principle of connection between the physical body and the energy body (or aura). One follows the other.
Pranic Healing is complimentary in nature. It is not meant to replace Allopathic Medicine, or any other healing method. It is easily adapted into a practice, or may be used alone. Pranic Healing uses the forces present in nature, along with the body’s innate abilities, as the foundation on which Pranic Healing is built.
MCKS Pranic Healing utilizes prana (also known as chi or ki or vital energy) to heal the whole energy body. Prana is that vital energy or life force which keeps the body alive and healthy. How much Prana a person has, determines how fast the body heals. Therefore, increasing the Life Force of a person in the affected areas of the body increases the self-recovery mechanism of the body.
In MCKS Pranic Healing, we work on the energy body (particularly on areas that are affected by the ailment or disease) to accelerate the body’s natural healing process. By working systematically on the energy body a new pattern is created that supports and accelerates the body’s innate ability to heal.
The Two Principles in Pranic Healing
The body has the innate ability to heal itself. In order to do so life force, or life energy must be present.
Shall we elaborate a little on these principles? The body does the healing. Always, period. We may encourage the body’s immune system with drugs, sew it together or put a limb in a cast, but it is the body that does the healing.
The body has intelligence of its own. If it did not, we would spend all our time telling it what to do. There would be no time left to do anything else. The body has the ability to control and energize its own system if it is its condition to do so. In order for the body to heal it requires life force or life energy. Simple, if there is no life force or life energy, then there is no healing, the body is dead.
There are several sources of this life force or “Prana”. These include the environment i.e. the sun, the air, the earth. We get some Prana from the food that we eat, from animals, and from other people, and spiritual sources.
It is fair to say that all of us, at one time or other has been a source of life force or energy for other people. Remember that time that you were feeling great? A friend called, or came by, who was depressed or needed your help. They left feeling better, however, you were exhausted. You were happy that you could help, and relieved that they were gone. You felt drained, the question is why?
The answer is that energy and water operate in a similar fashion. They will both seek their own level. If there is a passage between two containers, fill one, and both will become half full. Unless the passage is plugged or filled, the liquid will seek its own level, always flowing from high to low. When you were in that great mood and your friend was in that bad place guess who was in the high position? That’s right. You!
The question you should be asking is how can I still help without becoming drained myself? Another good question is where is this energy stored and how do I get more? The First healing technique learned in Pranic Healing is how to stem the flow, how to remove attachments and energetic links to negative people and situations.
Energetic Anatomy
We know right now through our exposure to technology, that there are many frequencies, around us that most of us cannot see. We have created many instruments to both sense and utilize these various frequencies. Everything from microwaves to x-rays, television and radio signals, all these are invisible to the untrained, naked eye. Yet we use them and interact with them and accept them without any hesitation. Therefore, this is a great time in history for us to speak about Energy and Pranic Healing because we are all so familiar with energy terms.
Energy is not a new age, magical, and out-of-reach concept. It is so blended with our life. Life-force, Chi, or Prana, in fact, is the 4th state of matter after solid, liquid, and gas. It is so physical and so ordinary that we often take it for granted. Energy is just more refined than what we already know about the physical matters. Its subtle nature makes energy intangible for the ordinary senses. However, there are many people with a more sensitive nature that can feel, see, and experience the existence of energy. For sensitive eyes, it looks like a luminous field of light, surrounding the physical body and interpenetrating it.
We understand that everything is Energy, regardless of how dense that energy is. E=Mc squared. In Electrical Engineering there is something called the right hand rule. Simply put, it states that if you have a copper wire and run electrical current through that wire, it will form an electromagnetic field around that wire, and it will rotate in a right hand direction.
We have created instruments that can detect the resistance and impurities in wire by measuring the regularity in the electromagnetic field outside the wire. We also know that the physical body has bioplasmic impulses flowing through it. The body acts as the copper wire for the bioplasmic impulses to flow through. This current flowing through the body forms a bio-electro-magnetic field around the body. This is commonly known as the Bioplasmic field, or the Etheric Field or the Auric Field. Based on the Law of Correspondence, what affects this energy field, affects the physical body too; that is also how dirty energies, thoughts, and emotions develop into poor physical health. Auric field is the container that holds Prana or life force. It is made up of several layers.
The outermost of these layers is termed the Outer Aura. Again, it’s function it to contain or hold in the energy that the body acquires from those various sources. If there is a hole, crack or tear in this field, the prana, or life force will steadily leak out. If you have ever met someone who is frail, always getting sick, or when they recover they often have relapses, this condition may be caused by a leak in this Outer Aura.
Another symptom of a leak may occur when a person receives a treatment of some kind. The person feels good for a couple of days, and then recidivates to the previous condition. The next layer of the Aura is called the Health rays. These health rays are like the energetic pores. They push used up energy outside of our system. They are actually our first layer of defense. When you feel someone “bristle” you are feeling the Health Rays stand up on end, kind of like a porcupine, or the hair standing up when a cat has been spooked. If the health rays become damaged, tangled or droopy this will be reflected in the physical body as weakness, illness or injury.
The innermost layer is called the Inner Aura. This is the layer that is generally measured to gauge irregularities in Bio-Energetic Anatomy. Just as we have physical power plants, transformers and wires, we have energetic power plants, transformers and wires as well.
You may also have heard so many times about 80% of diseases being psychosomatic, and the rationale behind this fact is the existence of the energy body and the energy centers, also known as the chakras.
The chakras, energetic power plants, basically are responsible for the proper functioning of the vital, internal organs. They receive energy from the surroundings, change it into something digestible to the subtle and physical bodies and expel the used-up energy back into the surrounding. So when the chakras (Sanskrit word for wheel) start malfunctioning because of contamination or obstruction in the flow of energy, and accumulation of negative thoughts and emotions, they adversely affect the organs under their control. In the long run, we end up having a disease.
The Meridians are those lines on an Acupuncture Chart. The energy generated at the physical power plant is too great to use directly, it must be made “compatible” with our appliances. This is done through a series of transformers. Something similar also happens within chakra system.
Many people are somewhat familiar with the seven chakra system. There are many, many Chakras in our system. There are major chakras, such as those that are located down the front of the body, there are minor chakras such as those on the hands feet and spleen.
There are mini chakras like the ones on the tips of the fingers, and micro chakras such as those dots on the acupuncture charts. The Major Chakras supply etheric energy, Prana or life force to the various systems and organs within our bodies. (See Miracles Through Pranic Healing Book for a complete description) So, just to quickly recap, our energetic anatomy is made up of our chakras, (power plants), the meridians (the wiring) and the Auric Field (the emanation of the current running through the system). The Auric Field is the energetic blueprint that the physical body follows.
Chakras also have psychological functions, which shapes our character. Over activation or under activation of the chakras lead to development of various characteristics and behavioral patterns. Changing the sizes of the chakras and disintegrating the poisonous thoughts and emotions from our system, therefore, can affect how we think, feel, and act. When the energy changes, people will change; their attitude towards life will change, even their degree of success and creativity will change.
This is how Pranic Healing can affect our whole life and the way we deal with daily challenges.
The body is the last thing that appears in the physical world, not the first. Just as the blueprint for the oak tree is already contained in the acorn, so the blueprint for the body is present before the body is created. Everything that happens in the manifest world happens in the energy world first. Allow me to explain.
Let us say that you want to build a house. The first thing that one does is to think of building the house. That is in the mental realm or mental world which appears as a thought in your mental body. Then one has an emotional reaction, excitement, or interest or happiness. This is the Emotional realm which you can feel it with the help of your emotional body. Then the idea gets put down on paper, it starts to come into the physical world, goes to the Architect, and then to the carpenters, who, when provided with enough building materials make it a reality, bringing the idea into physical manifestation.
Now say the blueprint becomes damaged or unreadable in some way. If the carpenters do not get the blueprint redrawn, they may put a window where a door is supposed to go. Or they may use the wrong grade of materials. If the project runs out of funding it may take a long time to complete. So when the body is ill or injured, all of its resources are directed to that problem. All of its carpenters are focused on that project, if the blueprint is unreadable or not enough material is furnished, the body may not heal properly, or rapidly.
MCKS Pranic Healing empowers you to take your life into your own hands and work consciously with energy as a powerful tool to create a better tomorrow for yourself. Imagine if you know the laws of the universe and how energy works… You would become much aware of what is happening in your life and would be able to materialize what you plan for and avoid what is harmful. There have been thousands across the world who have benefited from MCKS Pranic Healing.
Energy is pervasive; it encompasses all. Even if science can’t detect it yet, it is still there affecting every person and every being. The intelligent approach is not to neglect it. The intelligent will research, experiment, and validate before they make any conclusions.
Pranic Healing is not only for the sick, but for everyone, even for the people who are already healthy and successful as it provides a scientific approach that enables us to gain control over our life.
We joyfully urge you to come and experience the powerful changes that Pranic Healing could make to your life.
Pranic Healing is a Set of Techniques for Physical and Emotional Well-Being
MCKS Pranic Healing can be applied to bring about a state of physical well-being. Parents can bring down the temperature of their children in just a few hours. Cough and cold can usually be cured in a day or two. Pain due to mechanical injury can be reduced almost instantly. Pranic healing protocols also exist for major illnesses such as eye, liver, kidney, and heart problems, which can be alleviated over a period of time.
Advanced Pranic Healing contains protocols and methodologies for healing ailments of the different systems of the body including:
- Immunity and Defense System
- Disorders of the Eye, Ear and Throat
- Skin Disorders
- Heart and Circulatory Ailments
- Respiratory Ailments
- Gastrointestinal Ailments
- Urinary Ailments
- Reproductive Ailments
- Endocrine Ailments
- Skeletal and Muscular Disorders
- Blood Disorders
- Disorders of the Brain and Nervous System
- Tumors and Cancer
Please note that Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine, but rather to complement it. If symptoms persist or the ailment is severe, please consult immediately a Medical Doctor and a Certified Pranic Healer.
MCKS Pranic Healing can additionally be applied for the treatment of psychological ailments. Pranic Psychotherapy contains protocols and methodologies for healing the following conditions and ailments including:
- Healing Stress, Irritability, Anxiety, Grief and Hysteria
- Healing Phobias, Trauma, Obsessions and Compulsions
- Healing Addiction: Smoking, Alcohol and Drug Addiction
- Healing Depression
- Healing Violent and Paranoid Patients
- Healing Mentally Retarded Patients
It should be noted that Pranic Psychotherapy is only intended to supplement psychological counselling or psychiatric treatment. Patients with serious psychological ailments must consult psychologists, clinical psychologists and psychiatrists.
Pranic Healing is a Set of Tools
MCKS Pranic Healing is not only for the sick, but for everyone, even for the people who are already healthy as it provides a scientific approach that enables us to gain control over different aspects of our life.
Energy is pervasive; it encompasses all. Even if science can’t detect it yet, it is still there affecting every person and every being. If we were to gain a solid foundation of how energy works and how it affects us in every facet in our life, then we would also be able to harness the possibility of using positive energy to bring in harmony and productivity to every aspect of our lives.
Pranic Healers around the world have started using Pranic Healing for their businesses, homes, their relationships, projects, their studies, and even parenting with fantastic results. Pranic healing teaches multiple techniques which can enable us to make life worth living. Click on the sections below to explore how Pranic Healing can enrich your life.
Pranic Healing is a Bridge to Spirituality
Pranic Healing has the ability to enhance all areas of your life, including your physical and psychological well-being, your relationships, and even your finances. But it is so much more than “just” a healing modality. Pranic Healing is a bridge to spirituality. It opens new horizons. In understanding Pranic Healing, our consciousness expands and transforms the way we look at ourselves and the world around us. Pranic Healing is a bridge for the soul to grow. Pranic Healing opens a gateway towards the inner world through the understanding of subtle energy. It is a “gateway” to higher spiritual teachings given that it offers a well-defined step by step path to develop spiritually.
According to Master Choa Kok Sui: “at the present moment, science sometimes seems to be incompatible with spirituality. What we call science is actually physical science. What we call spirituality is actually inner science or science not dealing with physical world. The process of the union between science and spirituality is already in progress. This can be seen in the field of quantum physics merging with mysticism, in homeopathy, in acupuncture, feng shui, chi kung, vibrational medicine and others. Pranic healing and Arhatic Yoga are examples of the union between science and spirituality. This trend is inevitable and will become stronger in the future.”
The question remains as to what exactly is spirituality. Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. In general, it includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves. There are some who believe that being a spiritual person is someone who cares about people, animals and the planet. There are some who believe it is connected to a religion. There are others who feel that spirituality is very different from religion and is more an individual practice. Then there are those who believe that spirituality is a journey which typically involves a search for meaning in life. Then finally there are those who do not believe in spirituality given that it seems unrelated to the physical sciences of this day and age. To the seeker, these multiple view-points may sometimes cause confusion.
Master Choa Kok Sui defined spirituality as a “way of life”. This definition in itself is simple… but speaks of a profound truth.
At the very inception, Pranic Healing provides the seeker with a solid foundation for spiritual development. These are through realizing the tangible existence of things that are hidden from plain sight (such as the the energetic anatomy, the chakras, the spiritual cord amongst others), an orientation into a powerful meditation technique for self-development (Meditation on the Twin Hearts), and a firm foundation to universal laws (such as Law of Karma and the Golden Rule), and the importance of character building to enable us to become better souls. Pranic Healing also provides multiple tools to the practitioner to experiment and validate the concepts so as to enable him or her to draw the conclusions for himself or herself. Pranic Healing is the stepping stone to higher spiritual practices and techniques which are taught in Arhatic Yoga, the yoga of the 21 century.
How to Learn Pranic Healing
There are many available Pranic Healing workshops. The primary workshops on Basic Pranic Healing, Advanced Pranic Healing and Pranic Psychotherapy enable you to heal confidently and consistently in the shortest amount of learning time possible. As MCKS once said, “with so much pain and suffering around us it was my goal to make paranormal healing quite normal and commonplace in the near future.”
Just about anyone can learn to use these simple but powerful techniques to bring about physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. What we call miraculous healing is nothing more than increasing the rate of self-recovery of the body.
There is nothing supernatural about Pranic Healing. It is simply based on natural laws that most people are not aware of. Although science is not able to detect and measure life energy or Prana, it does not mean that Prana does not exist or does not affect the health and well-being of the body. In ancient times, people were not aware of the existence of electricity, its properties and practical uses. But this did not mean that electricity does not exist.
According to MCKS, “one’s ignorance does not change reality; it simply alters the perception of reality, resulting in incorrect perception and misconception of what is and what is not, what can be done and what cannot be done.”
Pranic Healing Techniques
Cleansing and Energizing are two techniques used in Pranic Healing. Before energizing, negative, dirty, diseased, or contaminated energy is first removed and disposed of properly. This is called cleansing. In a health fair, or a psychic fair, where massage therapists or “energetic practitioners” do healing it is possible to observe that they are shaking their hands out, away from their bodies and into the space around them. Have you seen that? What might they be doing?
If you ask they will tell you (sometimes) that they are shaking off the dirty or diseased or “bad” energy. That is OK, but where is it going? When asked this question you will see a puzzled look or a reply that it is going into the earth, or into a flame, or a vague statement that the Universe will take care of it.
So, if someone throws garbage into the street, will the Universe take care of it? The answer is of course YES! The question is, however, how long will it take? Will we have to see it? Smell it? Perhaps step in it? Drag it into our houses on the bottom of our shoes?
If you have mud on your hands does shaking them make them clean? No! Just slightly less covered in mud. If something is true on one level it is true on another level. If it is true in the physical world, it is true in the energetic world as well. Have you ever heard of the state meant AS ABOVE SO BELOW? Remember that it was said that the chakras spin in both directions, they inhale and they exhale.
What do you think happens to the dirty energy remaining on the hands of a person, even those who are handling energetically unclean things, let alone persons with disease? Could some of the dirty energy be inhaled through the chakras in the hands? Here is a list of pitfalls that may befall the therapist who uses these approaches, as well as dangers to their clients. The Practitioner may become quite contaminated. Symptoms of contamination include: Arthritic conditions, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Heaviness in the legs, Itchiness, Fatigue.
The next Client may pick up the dirty energy from the past clients on their way out. Pranic Healing we are taught how to clean ourselves, our environment and how to dispose of the negative, dirty, diseased or contaminated energy, simply, effectively and with minimal effort.
We learn how to help others while avoiding burnout and other hazards.
Remember that water and energy operate in much the same manner. Also, recall that the body will regulate its own energetic system if allowed to do so. If the energy system is clean and the chakras are also cleaned, then they will pull in fresh clean Prana on their own. So a healer may not need to energize at all.
This has been demonstrated on many occasions when a Pranic Healer simply cleans the spine, head and back chakras of a person with a migraine headache and the headache has disappeared, without energizing. This is because there is already too much energy in the head causing the head to pound. If the blockages and excess energy is removed the headache is relieved in just a few minutes. However, a healing process may be greatly sped up if the body has unlimited or at least extra resources at its disposal. This can be observed in many occasions from broken bones to burns.
The time that it would take to heal is extremely reduced, sometimes from a few months to a few weeks. There is lots of good news, for everyone. It is possible to say that absolutely everyone can benefit from Pranic Healing in one way or another. Whether it is from learning how to help without being drained, or to keep your body healthy, or to help your family, and even your pets, Pranic Healing has something to offer.